This is a demonstration site. The following contents are for demonstration purposes only and do not represent a real school.

learn and play at the Incredible School!

The contents on this homepage are not for an actual school.

This website is a demonstration site for Sites for Schools create homepages and manage marketing for international preschools and kindergartens in Japan.

Classes by Age

Information about classes available and age ranges should be very near the top of your homepage. You should also include information about class times and other services like school lunch and additional programs and services.

1 Years Old
Acorns Class

1 teacher & 1 assistant per 6 students
3 day and 2 day classes

2 & 3 Years Old
Mushrooms Class

1 teacher per 4 students
5 day class

4 & 5 Years Old
Pumpkins Class

1 teacher per 5 students
5 day class

Daily Schedule

Although there is rarely a "typical day" in early childhood education, it helps parents create a mental picture of the school day by having a daily schedule outline.

8 AM
Arrival and Morning Play

Students arrive and greet their teachers and friends.

9 AM
Morning Circle

With regular routines let children know what to expect.

10 AM
Park Time

We try to go outside every school day. Rain or shine!

Lunch Time

The Incredible School offers school lunch, but home lunch is ok too.

1 PM
Afternoon Lessons

During this time we engage in hands on workshops, crafts, or music and dancing.

2 PM
End of the Day

After our last play time, we do our goodbye circle, review the day, and talk about what we will do tomorrow.

Teacher Ronnie on Park Time!

Include comments of your actual teachers and staff. Try to include their name and what class they teach. Then, when parents come for a school visit after seeing your homepage, they feel confident that your homepage reflects your school accurately.

Include links for your current families on your homepage too. Current parents will always know where to go for the latest information, and prospective families can also see the breadth and style of your school communication.

  • Parent Handbook
  • Lunch Menu
  • What to Bring
  • Absence Form (Online)
  • Student Information Update (Online)


Join us for an Open School on May 1!
Posted: 2022-03-28
Scholastic Book Orders are due Monday!
Posted: 2022-03-28
New bus route starts in November.
Posted: 2022-03-28


Parent testimonials are a great way to help new parents feel comfortable about your school.

But, another approach that can help them visualize being in your school is to post "Where are they now" type updates on past students. This approach combines the strengths of testimonials and paints a picture of their child after graduating from your program.


Pumpkins Class 2019!
Ana is an outstanding student in Elementary School. We owe her success to the Incredible School!
Ana started at Banyan Tree Elementary School in 2019.


Pumpkins Class 2017!
Kana is doing great in elementary school. - Mrs. Kimura

Kana attends Nantoka-shi Elementary School.


Mushrooms Class 2018!
Ana left early when her family moved out of Tokyo, but her parents say she is at the top of the class in her new school.


Pumpkins Class 2018!
Mark is in 2nd Grade in California. He has high marks and still keeps up with his Japanese lessons too!


Mushrooms Class 2000!
Ana was a wonderful student in Mushrooms Class. She was always smiling and having fun.
After Mountainside, Ana went to Banyan Tree Elementary School.
Comment from Ana's Mom:

Leader of the Pack

Message from Principal Patty

The Principal Letter sets the tone for the school.

This is the right place to lay out the "master plan" for the entire program. In addition, you can add details about your priorities, pedagogy, and philosophy.

This message should be aspirational and factual.